"The Deadly Imposter" Season 1 Episode 13 Screen Captures


December 10, 1975: The Deadly Impostor
Season 1, episode 13
W: Michael Fisher, Parke Perine, Mann Rubin   D: Dick Moder
With Art Hindle (John Colby), Susan Gailey (Karen Karpel), Peter Brandon (Warren Karpel), Jana Bellan (Jackie), Raymond Singer (Emile Parouch), Ned Wertimer (Buckland), Louise Hoven (Fifi), Gene Darcy (Nate Garvin), Ann Foster (Abigail Crabtree), Georgina Schmidt (Maggie McMillan), Gordon Jump (Vinnie), Luke Andreas (Harvey Russo).
Starsky and Hutch agree to help a buddy who says he wants to locate his small son and ex-wife who has remarried, not knowing their friend has become a professional killer with a contract to execute his alleged ex-wife's present husband.

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